News & Events

Third interdisciplinary symposium “Biogeography of the Carpathians”: Prague 2022
October 1, 2022
The third edition of the "Biogeography of the Carpathians" symposium took place in Prague (Czechia) on 12–14 September 2022.
First field campaign of the PIONEER project
April 1, 2022
In March our team (Michał and Tomasz) inaugurated field works in the PIONEER project and spent one week in the snow-bound Tatra Mountains to obtain first cores of high-mountain lake sediments.
It takes a long time and many genes to make new frog species!
September 1, 2021
A new publication on a long-term comparative study of amphibian hybrid zones, for which Tomasz Suchan collaborated, made the cover of the PNAS.Featured Publications
Garcés-Pastor S, Coissac E, Lavergne S, Schwörer C, Theurillat J-P, Heintzman PD, Wangensteen OS, Tinner W, Rey F, Heer M, Rutzer A, Walsh K, Lammers Y, Brown AG, Goslar T, Rijal DP, Karger DN, Pellissier L, The PhyloAlps Consortium [Pouchon C, Roquet C, Thuiller W, Zimmermann NE, Alberti A, Wincker P, Boleda M, Boyer F, Hombiat A, Perrier C, Douzet R, Valay J-G, Aubert S, Denoeud F, Bzeznick B, Gielly L, Taberlet P, Rioux D, Orvain C, Rome M, Wüest RO, Latzin S, Spillmann J, Feichtinger L, Van Es J, Garraud L, Villaret J-C, Abdulhak S, Bonnet V, Huc S, Fort N, Legland T, Sanz T, Pache G, Mikolajczak A, Noble V, Michaud H, Offerhaus B, Dentant C, Salomez P, Bonet R, Delahaye T, Leccia M-F, Perfus M, Eggenberg S, Möhl A, Hurdu B-I, Szatmari P-M, Pușcaș M, Smyčka J, Mráz P, Šemberová K, Ronikier M, Slovák M], Heiri O, Alsos IG, 2022. High resolution ancient sedimentary DNA shows that alpine plant diversity is associated with human land use and climate change. Nature Communications 13: 6559. DOI
Ochyra R, Saługa M, Ronikier M, 2022. Taxonomic and nomenclatural novelties in Syntrichia (Bryophyta: Pottiaceae), with reinstatement of an endemic continental Antarctic species. Plant and Fungal Systematics 67: 40–44. DOI
Saługa M, Ochyra R, Ronikier M, 2022. Phylogeographical breaks and limited connectivity among multiple refugia in a pan-Antarctic moss species. Journal of Biogeography 49: 1991–2004. DOI
Izworska K, Muter E, Fleischer P Zielonka T, 2022. Delay of growth release after a windthrow event and climate response in a light-demanding species (European larch Larix decidua Mill.). Trees – Structure and Function 36: 427–438. DOI
Suchan T, Chauvey L, Poullet M, Tonasso-Calvière L, Schiavinato S, Clavel P, Clavel B, Lepetz S, Seguin-Orlando A, Orlando L, 2022. Assessing the impact of USER-treatment on hyRAD capture applied to ancient DNA. Molecular Ecology Resources 22: 2262–274. DOI
Dufresnes C, Brelsford A, Jeffries AL, Mazepa G, Suchan T, Canestrelli D, Nicieza A, Fumagalli L, Dubey S, Martínez-Solano I, Litvinchuk SN, Vences M, Perrin N, Crochet PA, 2022. Mass of genes rather than master genes underlie the genomic architecture of amphibian speciation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118: e2103963118. DOI
Cieślak E, Cieślak J, Ronikier M, 2021. Phylogeographical structure of a narrow endemic plant in an isolated high-mountain range: the case of Cochlearia tatrae in the Tatra Mts (Western Carpathians). Preslia 93: 125–148. DOI
Puşcaş M, Ronikier M, Mráz P, Hurdu BI, 2021. Biogeography of the Carpathians: towards a better understanding of biodiversity patterns. Plant Systematics and Evolution 307: 29. DOI
Who we are
We are a research team at the Institute of Botany of the Polish Academy of Sciences, with interest in the interdisciplinary field of biogeography and more specifically focused on applying molecular tools for biogeographical inference. To learn more please see a short description of our research profile and our publications.
Formally we are part of the Molecular Biogeography and Systematics group, one of four research units active at our Institute. We are also responsible for developing and running the molecular lab platform of the Institute and coordinating the use of related facilities by all institute research units.
W. Szafer Institute of Botany
Polish Academy of Sciences
Lubicz 46, 31-512 Kraków